
Dear survivors, allies, and supporters,

Welcome to our digital safe haven, a space created specifically for those who have endured the harrowing journey of sexual assault, sexual harassment or other forms of sexual violence.  Whether you’re here seeking solace, guidance, or simply a listening ear, know that you’ve found a community that understands, empathizes, and stands in solidarity with you.

As a survivor myself, I know firsthand the isolation and confusion that can accompany such a traumatic experience. The journey toward healing is often fraught with challenges, setbacks, and moments of despair. But in the midst of this darkness, it’s crucial to remember that you are not alone.

This blog is a labor of love, born from a deep desire to provide support, validation, and empowerment to fellow survivors. Here, we’ll delve into the complexities of trauma, healing, and resilience; offering insights, resources, and personal anecdotes along the way.

My mission is simple yet profound: to create a space where survivors can find comfort in knowing that their voices are heard, their experiences are validated, and their journeys are honored. Whether you’re here to share your story, seek advice, or simply connect with others who understand, you are welcome with open arms.

Together, we’ll navigate the ups and downs of healing, celebrate victories both big and small, and forge connections that remind us of our inherent strength and resilience. This blog is not just a platform for storytelling—it’s a lifeline, a beacon of hope, and a testament to the transformative power of community.

So, to all survivors who have bravely embarked on this journey: welcome home. Your courage, resilience, and unwavering spirit inspire us all, and we are honored to walk alongside you on this path toward healing and empowerment.

With love and solidarity,


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When the Camera Rolls: P Diddy, Survivor Stories, and the Urgency of Believing Women

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Healing Trauma with EMDR Therapy

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Understanding PTSD: The Impact on Sexual Assault Survivors

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How to Support a Survivor: A Guide for Loved Ones

Dear friends, family, and partners of survivors, I want to start by thanking you for clicking on this post and expressing a willingness to support someone you care about who has experienced trauma. Your love and support can make an incredible difference in their healing journey. As a survivor myself, I know firsthand how vital … Continue reading How to Support a Survivor: A Guide for Loved Ones

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